Children in permaculture – a taster!


Lusi Alderslowe loves sharing permaculture with children and adults using fun, creative and inspiring methods. In this course she introduces us to some brilliant ways of engaging children in permaculture. She gives both social and land-based examples, as well as some really useful resources which will continue to inspire you even after the course.

Lusi is a Children in Permaculture trainer, permaculture teacher, diploma tutor and co-founder of the Children in Permaculture project. As the Children in Permaculture Coordinator for the Permaculture Association (Britain), she is an author of the book “Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share in Education: The Children in Permaculture Manual.” With 15 years of experience engaging children in permaculture, and 13 years designing, coordinating and teaching permaculture courses for adults, she has had the pleasure of teaching in many locations in various countries including Scotland, England, Ireland, Turkey, and online. Although not Norway, yet. At the Open University she studied Development Management and Human Ecology (she received an MSc with Distinction). Having studied her Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design whilst living in the City of Glasgow for 7 years, and for the last 9 years living in rural Galloway, SW Scotland, she is experienced in both rural and urban permaculture. Lusi loves sharing permaculture with children and adults using fun, creative and inspiring methods.