The Nordic Permaculture Festival

The Nordic permaculture festival began in 2011 in Denmark, initiated by Catherine Dolleris, Karoline Nolsø Aaen and Thyco Holcomb. It has grown and developed as a touring festival within the Nordic countries, including Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Iceland and Norway.

The festival usually happens at a different site in each country and usually by a different team of people each time as well. A host of wonderful willing volunteers; organization teams, workshop holders, helpers and participants are key to co-creating and manifesting the festival.

The intention of the festival is to be a thriving and fun gathering for sharing inspiration, experiences, knowledge and effective solutions for regenerative lives together with our planet.

Deep gratitude to everyone who has taken part in present, and past festivals to make it happen and keep going! Gratitude also for the land and more than human beings that hold the space in each site.

Latest Festival News

Bli med på Nordic Permaculture Festival i Danmark, 1.-4. august

Bli med på Nordic Permaculture Festival i Danmark, 1.-4. august

Årets Nordic Permaculture Festival finner i år sted på vakre Himmelbjerget i Danmark fra 1.-4. august 2024. Som vanlig venter et et fullpakket permakulturprogram med mulighet til å…

Gode minner fra Nordisk Permakulturfestival 2023

Gode minner fra Nordisk Permakulturfestival 2023

Nordisk Permakulturfestival arrangeres hvert år og 3-6. august 2023 ble den arrangert i Norge på vakre Bøensetre, en gammel husmannsplass i de dype skoger i Aremark. Vertskap på…

Though the problems of the world are increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple.

― Bill Mollison, co-originator of the permaculture concept